Lymph Nodes & Body Fat

Weight control is difficult for many people these days. I’ve been there, and tried several different diets with varying success. When we are frustrated with our weight, among other things it often can feel like certain parts of our body are prone to store fat. You’ve heard the terms – “mud guts”, “thunder thighs”, “cankles” and so on. Is it so, do we only store fat on certain “hard-to-move” parts of our body? The answer I believe is yes, but only to a certain degree and there is a good reason why. Firstly, when you are on a controlled weight loss program this normally involves taking measurements around various body parts as well as getting on the scales. Even if you think your arms for example, are fantastic, you still find when you are losing weight you will lose size around your upper arms because there is excess fat there. If we are in fat storing mode, it tends to deposit over most of our body. What then, causes those really obvious areas we always seem to have trouble with?

Measuring TapeHave you ever studied the human lymphatic system? This wonderful system is responsible for removing much of the waste from our bodies. It filters out dead bacteria, dead tissue, viruses, etc. and helps them pass from the body. But what happens when this system cannot cope and why does this happen? There is a little known but devious condition called “fatty liver”. The liver is also responsible for removing dead and unhealthy cells, cancer cells, toxic chemicals, heavy metals, bacteria, parasites and fat among other things. When the liver becomes overloaded with these items say from long-term medication, chemical exposure or similar, they have to go somewhere. The human body is very smart and resilient. These toxins are sent out into the lymphatic system where they often settle around the lymph nodes. To protect the body, these toxins end up binding to fat cells. To neutralise their possible effects, the toxins in turn attract water and then more fat. This can then become a vicious cycle.

Our body has most of its lymph nodes in areas like the neck, armpits, chest, abdomen, arms, pelvis, inner and outer thighs, and down the back of the legs. So where do you put on, or store fat?  If you have a particularly tough area, rather than think “oh, that’s just me”, consider that the extra you is probably near some lymph nodes. This in turn could mean you have a fatty liver, especially if you show some of the classic symptoms like difficult weight loss, weight gain, fatigue, increased blood pressure, bloating, skin issues, and the list goes on. Don’t make calories your total focus, detox yourself, particularly your liver and your hard-to-lose weight will surprise you. Read books from people like Dr Sandra Cabot, a leading authority in this area. Talk to your health professional about the many things you can do to detox your liver and watch the fat move and uncover a new you!